Terror House
Official Trailer
“Terror House” unfolds as a spine-chilling horror film, revolving around a haunted past where a 13-year-old girl Millie (Eliana Rivas) commits a heinous act, murdering her family played by (Christy Tate, Dale Niehaus, and Ian Rivas) before mysteriously disappearing. Five years later, a group of eager amateur ghost hunting Vloggers, Travis (Thomas Rivas), Anthony (Barry Barnhart), Diaz (Octavio Velasco) , Tosha (Vivian Bunch), Cameron (Oli Oswald), and Micheal (Christian Rivas) drawn by the chilling legend, ventures into the abandoned home. Once inside, they find themselves ensnared in the malevolent grip of the supernatural, forced to confront their deepest fears and survive a harrowing 7-day ordeal within the confines of the dreaded Terror House.” The film Co-stars Jim Foster (John), Doug Harris (Sheriff), Mario Rivas (Deputy), Teri Rivas (Lucy), and Evelynn Rivas (Elizabeth).